Wide range of materials for realizing the head of your artificial fly patterns

Here you will find our extensive selection of head beads, coneheads, heads, and bodies made of brass and glass, as well as eyes in various shapes. Lightly weighted flies often outperform heavy tungsten versions, especially in stagnant or shallow slow-flowing waters. Less weight allows your fly to move more naturally, appearing livelier and more enticing to fish. Brass beads provide sufficient weight when fish are actively searching for food in mid-water, offering an ideal balance and a tantalizing light reflection. For an even lighter option with additional attraction, glass beads are perfect-especially popular for Sabiki nymphs. Large heads and bodies made of brass and synthetic resin are ideal for heavy streamers. Eyes give your imitations a very natural appearance, making them particularly effective. Our selection ensures you have the right materials to create highly effective and enticing flies for any fishing condition.

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The fly tying here offers you many possibilities to customize your dressing, thus being able to adapt them intelligently to the different situations in which you may find yourself. And the river that decides from time to time what game to play and to be successful you have to know how to read the situation and propose the ideal solution for that particular circumstance. The right weight of the ballasts and the right colors, chosen according to the type of water you are facing, are essential to be able to make some good catches.