Fly sets PHY Raspini - by insect families

The best fly patterns from Mauro Raspini in a set arranged according to insect families

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As an absolute novelty in the world of fly fishing we offer 32 selections of flies that imitate every stage of life of the 10 most important insect families for fly fishing in Europe. Each insect family is represented at every stage of its life, from nymph to spent.

Mauro Raspini is one of the best fly tiers. Thanks to our collaboration we have been able to realize the selections of flies "PHY" Match the Hatch, conceived by Mauro and published in the exceptional book of flyline "The Fly - Sacred and Profane". The flies were realized under the supervision and control of Mauro Raspini. This series of selections of "PHY" Match the Hatch flies represents the essence of fly fishing.

The flies are realized on the most suitable hooks and in the appropriate measures to imitate the insect, for this reason we propose flies of the same family of insects in different sizes. Cared for down to the last detail, with excellent materials and well-proportioned, these high quality artificial flies are of impressionist conception, but super realistic in water.

Single flies are packaged in a practical blister. They are equipped with name and article code thanks to which they can be ordered simply at our online shop in the appropriate category. On the back of each blister there are synthetic entomological cards with information on the morphology of the nymph, ethology, range of shades, period of flickering (typical, sporadic, absent) and typical sizes. Thanks to this information even the beginner is able to use artificial flies correctly and effectively, and will do so by learning.

Click on the image of each selection to see more details!