Barbless wet flies
Special wet flies for fly fishing in Stillwater, tried and tested and super catchy
WET FLIES are artificial fly patterns that, as the name suggests, are fished under the water surface. As historical sources and archaeological finds show, WET FLIES represent the oldest and most original form of artificial fly patterns for catching fish. WET FLIES have a long tradition in the British Isles, where they are standard flies when fly fishing on stillwater from the shore as well as from the boat.
WET FLIES undoubtedly imitate natural insects that are part of the main diet of many fish. This may involve the imitation of rising, hatching, but also drowned insect stages. The strength and secret of the WET FLIES' success lies less in the exact imitation of a particular species or developmental stage and much more in the effect of this fly pattern through the mobility of the soft hackles used to tie the WET FLIES.
These soft hackles give the wet fly a lively play underwater, as the hackles pulsate seductively with each twitch. Not only are particularly soft hackles chosen, but they are also more sparsely bound than on dry flies, for example, so that the wet fly can submerge more easily.
We attach particular importance to this feature in the WET FLIES offered here. Especially in still waters without current, the wet fly has to move even with the slightest tremble of the tippet, in order to attract the attention of the fish. To tie our WET FLIES, we mainly use feathers of the hen saddle, whose hackles are particularly soft and therefore move perfectly.
Another stimulus is the light-dark contrast of the bodies and the hackles, even though the colours used are basically kept subtle. In addition, we provide some of our WET FLIES with a small tail, which increases the mobility even more.
WET FLIES are also suitable for beginners because they can be fished very easily. Either alone as a tip fly, or with two or three other WET FLIES on the side arm. The tip fly can also be a lightly weighted nymph. By using fly lines with different sinking behaviour, you can also offer your WET FLIES in different water depths.
Fly fishing with WET FLIES is unjustly given too little attention at the moment. Fishing with WET FLIES in still waters is comparatively easy and exciting, and beginners will soon enjoy their first successes. Incidentally, wet flies do not only work excellently on still waters. You should definitely try them out on streams and rivers too!