Attractive nymphs with lively play - here you will find the best trout sabikis

Many lakes and reservoirs, especially in the Alpine region but also in the foothills of the Alps, are home to excellent trout stocks. However, these trout are not always easy to fish for, especially if you want to fish them with artificial flies. This is because these waters, whether natural or artificial, often have enormous areas of water and can also be very deep depending on the terrain. A simple and extremely efficient way to fish successfully for the wonderful trout in these waters is the so-called Sabiki rig. Whether fished with a simple float rig or exclusively with a bottom lead, our Sabiki rigs for trout are already pre-assembled and play very seductively on the short side arms with their fine hackle fibres, making them look extremely lively and enticing the fish to bite. The three nymph Sabiki rigs comply with the fishing regulations of many fishing waters.
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