Tinsel and other fly tying threads

Colour flashes and glitter effects for your fly patterns


SKU: 07-GLI01

SKU: 07-XTY01
SKU: 07-BFU01

The MAGIC TINSEL COMBO by textreme is a synthetic film with iridescent colors that reacts to the ultraviolet rays of the sun and emits glow and glitter that can stimulate the curiosity of the fish. This fly tying material changes colour with the direction of the light with which it is illuminated, and thanks to the fact that it is semi-transparent you can create infinite shades according to the colour of the underbody you decide to use. The blister contains 2 different sizes (0.8 and 1.6 mm) each 1.5 meters long and will allow you to make bodies or part of them, wings, wing case and ribbing. You can change the shape of the MAGIC TINSEL COMBO through a small traction (see instructions on the back of the blister) transforming it from flat tinsel to cylindrical tinsel to give thickness to the ribbing of your artificial fly. This material is suitable for both nymphs and dry flies.

SKU: 06-MTC01
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These synthetic materials are characterized by the fact that they are translucent and iridescent, generating many reflections and glare that can attract the attention of the fish, causing it to attack the artificial fly.

These tinsels offer various solutions for your dressing, in fact, they can be wrapped in coils distant from each other to simulate the segments of the abdomen of the insect or to tie the entire body of your artificial fly. Being a synthetic material, it does not absorb water and is very light, making it ideal for use to tie dry flies, without the risk of weighing down the artificial fly and compromising its buoyancy. It is also used with excellent results to tie the famous perdigones, a nymph now widely used by fly fishermen.

We offer you only high quality tinsel, from two brands that are now a guarantee in the world of fly tying: Hotfly and Textreme.