Barbless Naturfil tungsten nymphs

The naturfil body material of these tungsten nymphs becomes translucent when wet

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At first glance, these tungsten nymphs seem quite simple, but they have something special about them. The body is made of our NATURFIL material, a natural product with superlative characteristics: when it gets wet, the NATURFIL expands, becomes opaline and translucent, managing to perfectly imitate the natural nymphs. When dry, it becomes inconspicuous and shrinks.

These new nymphs are among the most effective of all. We have developed a small series of fifteen models, which have been tested for more than three months on trout and grayling with great success!

We definitely recommend that you click on the second image on the detail page of each fly - here you will see how the NATURFIL tungsten nymphs behave underwater.

The whole series is tied on hotfly barbless hooks!